Supplier requirements

by | Jun 30, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Fecha de actualización: Marzo 2023

Actividad Requisitos exigidos
  • To be aware of and comply with the current national, regional, and local legislation applicable to their activities, products, and services concerning the environment.
  • To communicate to EPOWERLABS any information and/or documentation that may be requested regarding the environmental performance of their products and/or services.
  • Promote environmentally-friendly production processes and the implementation of environmental management systems.
  • Provide Safety Data Sheets for hazardous substances.
  • Inform EPOWERLABS about alternative substances that are more environmentally friendly.
  • Supply machines and equipment compliant with applicable legislation, as well as specific and necessary products for their proper functioning.
  • Inform EPOWERLABS about corrective measures implemented to reduce energy consumption of the machinery or equipment.
  • Report to EPOWERLABS potential accidents, breakdowns, abnormal operating conditions (start-up and shutdown), and their effects on energy consumption.
  • Inform EPOWERLABS about the consumption of natural resources (energy, raw materials, fuel) by the machinery under normal conditions.
  • Inform EPOWERLABS about the maintenance required for the machinery or equipment.
  • Inform EPOWERLABS about the availability of energy-efficient goods (high-energy efficiency equipment).
  • Provide EPOWERLABS with a copy of the accreditation document as an Authorized Waste Manager for each type of waste to be removed from our organization.
  • Send EPOWERLABS a copy of the application for Authorization as a recycler to the environmental authority of the corresponding locality.
  • Send EPOWERLABS a copy of the certificate of registration in the Register of Inert Waste Transporters with the environmental authority of the corresponding locality.
  • Send EPOWERLABS a copy of the Register of the company as an installer/maintenance of fire protection systems.
  • Communicate to the Responsible person in our organization the types of waste generated during its activities, to be informed about the proper procedures for each of them.
  • Deposit the waste generated by your activities in the designated storage areas, which are clearly identified. In the case of hazardous waste, the containment containers will have an identification label specifying the type of waste.
  • Do not mix different types of waste.
  • In case of doubt, always ask the responsible personnel of EPOWERLABS.
  • Do not dispose of toxic and hazardous waste, nor containers that have contained hazardous substances, such as oils, greases, solvents, etc., in areas not designated for waste disposal.
  • Avoid spills when handling hazardous substances and establish methods to prevent such incidents whenever possible.
  • In the event of a spill or if leaks or damage to containers containing hazardous substances are observed, notify immediately.
  • Use natural resources such as water, electricity, and fuel rationally.
  • Do not use EPOWERLABS’ drains or external sewers to dispose of toxic products or substances.
  • If you have any doubts, ask EPOWERLABS staff for assistance.
  • Keep the facilities clean and avoid disorder. Project an image of respect and care for the environment.
  • Take necessary measures to prevent abnormal noise.
  • Be aware that repeated discharges of waste, even in small quantities, can irreversibly harm our environment.


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